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Town Pass Design Guidelines

Please refer to our Figma document


The visual open source provides a communication mechanism for the design team, creating a fast and convenient development environment, making design and development smoother, and promoting team collaboration quality.

  • Design Communication Mechanism: Open source design documents are available for team members to consult at any time, avoiding communication misunderstandings.
  • Rapid Development Environment: Open source design documents can be used as a development reference, speeding up the development process.
  • Smooth Design and Development: Unified design standards can prevent redundant work and improve efficiency.
  • Promoting Team Collaboration: Open source design documents can serve as the foundation for team cooperation, enhancing collaboration quality.


Establish a set of simple and scientific design principles to provide the team with a high-certainty, low-failure development state.

  • Easy-to-Understand Design Principles: Design principles should be easy to understand and apply, reducing comprehension costs.
  • Scientific Design Principles: Design principles should be based on reasonable design theory and research, ensuring reliability and effectiveness.
  • High-Certainty Development State: Clear design principles can reduce unexpected issues during development, increasing the success rate.
  • Low-Failure Development State: Standardized design processes can lower the risk of development failures, improving development efficiency.


Strive to allow both "users" and "designers" to smoothly achieve their goals and leave with success and satisfaction. Good experiences create delightful usage processes.

  • User Goal Achievement: Centered on user needs, the design should meet the user's goals and requirements.
  • Designer Goal Achievement: Clear design principles and processes can help designers complete their work efficiently.
  • Successful and Satisfying Experience: Good design should bring a successful and satisfying experience to both users and designers.
  • Delightful Usage Process: A smooth usage process can enhance user satisfaction.


Use unified and manageable document communication principles to reflect the results of Taipei City's efforts in promoting sustainable development goals.

  • Unified Document Communication Principles: Unified document formats and naming conventions facilitate document management and retrieval.
  • Manageable Document Communication Principles: Clear document structure and version control ensure consistency and traceability of documents.
  • Results of Sustainable Development Goals: Open source design promotes knowledge sharing and innovation, driving the realization of sustainable development goals.