Custom Design
Custom Blocks
The homepage offers two major blocks for users to customize content through JSON:
- Banner Carousel
- Activity News List
Banner Carousel
Each image in the banner carousel is a link that directs the user to a specified URL in a webview upon clicking. You can define the banner's image and the URL to open in the webview through JSON.
Full JSON format:
"data": [
"image_url": "",
"web_url": ""
"image_url": "",
"web_url": ""
Banner Carousel - data
Field | Purpose | Example |
image_url | Image URL for the carousel | |
web_url | URL to open in the webview | |
Activity News List
Each activity news item on the homepage displays an image and title. Clicking it leads to a detail page showing the activity image, time, and content, along with a button linking to the activity's website for more details.
Full JSON format:
"data": [
"image_url": "",
"web_url": "",
"title": "e化繳稅熊讚 Pay Tax By e-Payment with Bravo",
"start_datetime": 1717430400000,
"end_datetime": 1735574400000,
"content": "繳稅可透過、行動支付工具或電子支付帳戶、paytax、線上查繳稅及電話語音等方式繳納地方稅!\n\nPayments of local taxes can be paid through, mobile payment tools or e-payment account, paytax website, online inquiry tax payment or transfer via telephone payment!"
"image_url": "",
"web_url": "",
"title": "開徵稅單不漏接 繳納證明隨身帶 No Worry Missing Tax Bills Out on Payment Period. Carry Tax Payment Certificates at Hand.",
"start_datetime": 1717430400000,
"end_datetime": 1735574400000,
"content": "納稅義務人可以透過臺北市稅捐稽徵處網站、城市通、地方稅網路申報作業網站,申請以電子方式傳送臺北市定期開徵之使用牌照稅、房屋稅及地價稅繳款書、轉帳繳納通知及證明,就不用擔心稅單等會漏接或遺失了,還可以e起節能減碳愛地球。\n\nTaxpayers of vehicle license tax, house tax and land value tax can apply for electronic transmitting for tax bills, payment notices and payment certificates of regular levied taxes through the website of Taipei City Revenue Service, Town Pass,“Local Tax to Declare” homepage. You won’t have to worry about missing or losing tax bills and payment notices. What’s more, it can also save energy and reduce carbon emissions."
Activity News List - data
Field | Purpose | Example |
image_url | Image URL for the activity news | |
web_url | URL for the activity | |
title | Title of the activity | e化繳稅熊讚 Pay Tax By e-Payment with Bravo |
start_datetime | Start time of the activity, in timestamp format | 1717430400000 |
end_datetime | End time of the activity, in timestamp format | 1735574400000 |
content | Content of the activity | Payments of local taxes can be paid through, mobile payment tools or e-payment account, paytax website, online inquiry tax payment or transfer via telephone payment! |