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Custom Design

Custom Blocks

Our service provides three main blocks that developers can define content for, namely:

  • My Services
  • Service Mosaic Tile
  • Trending

My Services

We provide a Flutter list that allows developers to define the icons and titles for all services in the list.

The model can be defined in:

  • /lib/page/city_service/model/my_service_model.dart:
    • enum MyServiceItemId defines the enum for each "My Service".
    • In the enum extension MyServiceIdExt, output the corresponding MyServiceItem object for each MyServiceItemId enum.


For icons, we recommend using the SVG format and placing the images in the /assets/svg directory of the project, naming the files in snake_case format.

For example: icon_zoo.svg

When using icons in the list for service buttons, you can load the image via Assets.svg.{camelCase}.svg().

For example: Assets.svg.iconZoo.svg()


// /lib/page/city_service/model/my_service_model.dart

enum MyServiceItemId {

extension MyServiceIdExt on MyServiceItemId {
  MyServiceItem get item {
    return switch (this) {
      MyServiceItemId.districtOffice => MyServiceItem(
          title: '申辦服務',
          description: '線上申辦市政府服務個項目(市民)',
          icon: Assets.svg.iconDistrictOffice.svg(),
          category: MyServiceCategory.cityService,
          destinationUrl: '',
      MyServiceItemId.dashboard => MyServiceItem(
          title: '市民儀表板',
          description: '提供臺北市生活的重要數據',
          icon: Assets.svg.iconDashboardPerson.svg(),
          category: MyServiceCategory.cityService,
          destinationUrl: '',
      MyServiceItemId.locationSearch => MyServiceItem(
          title: '找地點',
          description: '提供各區日常服務地圖查找',
          icon: Assets.svg.iconLocationSearch24.svg(),
          category: MyServiceCategory.explore,
          destinationUrl: '',

My Services - Data

titleService NameApply for Services
descriptionDescription, displayed on [More Services/Edit Page]Online application for various city government services (citizens)
iconService IconAssets.svg.iconDistrictOffice.svg()
categoryService CategoryMyServiceCategory.cityService
destinationUrlService URL

Service Mosaic Tile

Through JSON, developers can customize the text for its six blocks.

The complete JSON format is as follows:

// /assets/mock_data/mosaic_tile_service.json

  "data": [
      "main_text": "市政服務",
      "sub_text": "Service",
      "icon": "assets/svg/Illustrations_gov.svg",
      "destination_url": ""
      "main_text": "有話要說",
      "sub_text": "19992",
      "icon": "assets/svg/icon_more.svg",
      "destination_url": ""
      "main_text": "警政報警",
      "sub_text": "Police",
      "icon": "assets/svg/icon_more.svg",
      "destination_url": ""
      "main_text": "防疫醫療",
      "sub_text": "Health",
      "icon": "assets/svg/icon_covid_medical.svg",
      "destination_url": ""
      "main_text": "市政APP",
      "sub_text": "More",
      "icon": "assets/svg/icon_more.svg",
      "destination_url": ""
      "main_text": "城市生活",
      "sub_text": "City Life",
      "icon": "assets/svg/Illustrations_chair.svg",
      "destination_url": ""

Due to the design of its shape, please make sure to fill the data with 6 objects. If the format is determined to be incorrect, the default Mosaic-Tile setting will be displayed.
The order is shown in the illustration below:

Service Mosaic Tile - Data

main_textBlock TitleMunicipal Services
sub_textBlock SubtitleService
iconService Iconassets/svg/Illustrations_gov.svg
destination_urlService URL

We provide a list that allows developers to define the icon, service title, and the URL to navigate to upon clicking for the trending services list.

The list is located in /lib/page/city_service/model/trending_service_model.dart.


For icons, we recommend using the SVG format and placing the images in the /assets/svg directory of the project, naming the files in snake_case format.

For example: icon_dashboard_reports.svg

When using icons in the list for service buttons, you can load the image via Assets.svg.{camelCase}.svg().

For example: Assets.svg.iconDashboardReports.svg()


// /lib/page/city_service/model/trending_service_model.dart

abstract final class TrendingServiceModel {
  static List<TrendingService> get serviceList {
    return [
        title: '找地點',
        icon: Assets.svg.iconLocationSearch.svg(),
        url: '',
        title: '市民儀表板',
        icon: Assets.svg.iconDashboardReports.svg(),
        url: '',
      // more...
titleService NameCitizen Dashboard
iconService IconAssets.svg.iconDashboardReports.svg()
destinationUrlService URL