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Data Presentation

API Design

For the Q & A search page, users only need to define a simple JSON format to update the front-end display of frequently asked questions. We have defined the relevant specifications, which are dynamically used for UI rendering. Simply follow these specifications during development. The complete JSON format is as follows:

  "//": "Q & A • Frequently Asked Questions",
  "data": [
      "name": "Login & Registration",
      "list": [
          "id": "q1-1",
          "is_show_front_page": false,
          "category": "Login & Registration",
          "name": "Does signing up for TownPass membership require real name verification?",
          "name_en": "Does signing up for TownPass membership require real name verification?",
          "content": "TownPass membership is divided into regular and gold members (those whose identity has been verified). Please acquire gold membership for more comprehensive service.",
          "content_en": "TownPass membership is divided into regular and gold members (those whose identity has been verified). Please acquire gold membership for more comprehensive service."
          "id": "q1-2",
          "is_show_front_page": true,
          "category": "Login & Registration",
          "name": "I have signed up for EasyWallet. How do I log in?",
          "name_en": "I have signed up for EasyWallet. How do I log in?",
          "content": "If your registration was successful, you would have received an account and password. If you forgot your pasword, please proceed to \"Forgot Password\" function and change your password accordingly.",
          "content_en": "If your registration was successful, you would have received an account and password. If you forgot your pasword, please proceed to \"Forgot Password\" function and change your password accordingly."
      "name": "Cards",
      "list": [
          "id": "q2-1",
          "is_show_front_page": false,
          "category": "Cards",
          "name": "Can I apply for a TownPass physical card?",
          "name_en": "Can I apply for a TownPass physical card?",
          "content": "TownPass is a virtual membership card which integrates multiple functions. This helps to save you the trouble of carrying around multiple cards in your wallet. Currently, the option of a physical version of the card is reserved for individuals with specific needs.",
          "content_en": "TownPass is a virtual membership card which integrates multiple functions. This helps to save you the trouble of carrying around multiple cards in your wallet. Currently, the option of a physical version of the card is reserved for individuals with specific needs."
      "name": "Discounts",
      "list": [
          "id": "q3-1",
          "is_show_front_page": true,
          "category": "Discounts",
          "name": "How can I access the coupons?",
          "name_en": "How can I access the coupons?",
          "content": "When you shop at any of the TownPass partner stores, simply show the coupon with your app to enjoy the related discount. It is extremely simple to use. Refer to the following instructions.",
          "content_en": "When you shop at any of the TownPass partner stores, simply show the coupon with your app to enjoy the related discount. It is extremely simple to use. Refer to the following instructions."
          "id": "q3-2",
          "is_show_front_page": true,
          "category": "Discounts",
          "name": "How can I obtain the discount coupons?",
          "name_en": "How can I obtain the discount coupons?",
          "content": "Download TownPass app to obtain discounts and bargains. Select \"Perk\" -> \"Coupon\" to check out our partner stores. If you see a bargain you like, simply press \"+ Keep it\" to add it to your inventory or \"Use it\" to use the coupon. For details, please refer to instructions.",
          "content_en": "Download TownPass app to obtain discounts and bargains. Select \"Perk\" -> \"Coupon\" to check out our partner stores. If you see a bargain you like, simply press \"+ Keep it\" to add it to your inventory or \"Use it\" to use the coupon. For details, please refer to instructions."
      "name": "Services",
      "list": [
          "id": "q4-1",
          "is_show_front_page": true,
          "category": "Services",
          "name": "I've authorized my TownPass account to access other digital platforms of the city government. Can I cancel the authorization?",
          "name_en": "I've authorized my TownPass account to access other digital platforms of the city government. Can I cancel the authorization?",
          "content": "Please login to the <a href=\"\" style=\"color: #0000FF;\">website of TownPass</a>. In the Membership Center, select \"Security\" -> \"Authorize Third Party Access\" and cancel the authorization for the specific service from the list.",
          "content_en": "Please login to the <a href=\"\" style=\"color: #0000FF;\">website of TownPass</a>. In the Membership Center, select \"Security\" -> \"Authorize Third Party Access\" and cancel the authorization for the specific service from the list."
      "name": "Bills",
      "list": [
          "id": "q5-1",
          "is_show_front_page": false,
          "category": "Bills",
          "name": "I just paid my parking fee, but why isn't the paid bill displayed in the records?",
          "name_en": "I just paid my parking fee, but why isn't the paid bill displayed in the records?",
          "content": "As parking fee payment information do not receive realtime updates, all results will be based on the updates by the Parking Administration Office. For any questions on parking fee payments, please call the agency at 02-2726-9600.",
          "content_en": "As parking fee payment information do not receive realtime updates, all results will be based on the updates by the Parking Administration Office. For any questions on parking fee payments, please call the agency at 02-2726-9600."
      "name": "Download & Installation",
      "list": [
          "id": "q6-1",
          "is_show_front_page": false,
          "category": "Download & Installation",
          "name": "What are the specs and requirement for TownPass app? What mobile devices can I install it on?",
          "name_en": "What are the specs and requirement for TownPass app? What mobile devices can I install it on?",
          "content": "TownPass currently offers the Android version and iOS version. Please double check the specs of your mobile phone before installing the app. Currently, the app runs on systems including iOS 13.0 (or later versions) and Android 7.0 (or later versions).",
          "content_en": "TownPass currently offers the Android version and iOS version. Please double check the specs of your mobile phone before installing the app. Currently, the app runs on systems including iOS 13.0 (or later versions) and Android 7.0 (or later versions)."

Data Field Descriptions

Q & A • Frequently Asked Questions


nameFAQ CategoryLogin & Registration
listList of questionsSee table below


is_show_front_pageDisplay on featured FAQtrue/false
categoryCategoryLogin & Registration
nameQuestion (Chinese)一定需要實名認證才能加入城市通會員?
name_enQuestion (English)Does signing up for TownPass membership require real name verification?
contentAnswer (Chinese)城市通會員分為一般會員與金質會員(實名認證會員),建議您申請金質會員享有完整服務。
content_enAnswer (English)TownPass membership is divided into regular and gold members (those whose identity has been verified). Please acquire gold membership for more comprehensive service.