Data Presentation
API Design
The JSON field definitions for the "Have Something to Say" page are as follows, and developers only need to follow these specifications during development. The complete JSON format for each page is provided below.
Hot Report Data
"data": {
"hot_report": [
"id": "R-1",
"name": "教育事務",
"icon": "/images/report/report-transport.svg"
"id": "R-2",
"name": "公車、計程車、復康巴士問題",
"icon": "/images/report/report-building.svg"
"id": "R-3",
"name": "停車管理及收費問題",
"icon": "/images/report/report-transport.svg"
"id": "R-4",
"name": "建築物使用管理、違建查報及拆除",
"icon": "/images/report/report-building.svg"
"id": "R-11",
"name": "教育事務",
"icon": "/images/report/report-transport.svg"
"id": "R-12",
"name": "公車、計程車、復康巴士問題",
"icon": "/images/report/report-building.svg"
"id": "R-13",
"name": "停車管理及收費問題",
"icon": "/images/report/report-transport.svg"
"id": "R-14",
"name": "建築物使用管理、違建查報及拆除",
"icon": "/images/report/report-building.svg"
"id": "R-15",
"name": "教育事務",
"icon": "/images/report/report-transport.svg"
"id": "R-16",
"name": "公車、計程車、復康巴士問題",
"icon": "/images/report/report-building.svg"
Progress Search Data
"data": {
"1999": [
"id": "A10-1130930-00160",
"title": "公車、計程車、復康巴士問題",
"date": "2024/09/28 15:55:57",
"status": "處理中"
"id": "A10-1130930-00161",
"title": "建築物使用管理、違建查報及拆除",
"date": "2024/10/28 15:55:57",
"status": "處理完成"
"id": "A10-1130930-00162",
"title": "停車管理及收費問題",
"date": "2024/11/28 15:55:57",
"status": "處理中"
"disaster": []
Data Field Description - Hot Report
Field | Purpose | Example |
hot_report | Hot reporting items | Refer to hot_report |
Field | Purpose | Example |
id | Reporting item ID | R-16 |
name | Reporting item name | 公車、計程車、復康巴士問題 |
icon | Icon URL for the reporting item (if you want to keep the icon locally, place it in the public folder) | /images/report/report-building.svg |
Data Field Description - Progress Inquiry
Field | Purpose | Example |
1999 | Items belonging to the 1999 reporting category | Refer to 1999 |
disaster | Items belonging to the disaster reporting category | Data format is the same as 1999 , refer to 1999 |
Field | Purpose | Example |
id | Reporting item ID | A10-1130930-00160 |
title | Reporting item name | 公車、計程車、復康巴士問題 |
date | Reporting date | 2024/11/28 15:55:57 |
status | Processing status | 處理完成 (if progress is finished, it is called 處理完成) |
All Reporting Item Data
"data": {
"all_report": [
"id": "CR-1",
"name": "垃圾、噪音、汙染及資源回收",
"icon": "/images/report/report-env.svg",
"service_requesting": [
"id": "R-5",
"name": "道路散落物或油漬處理"
"id": "R-6",
"name": "汙染舉發"
"problem_reporting": [
"id": "R-7",
"name": "無牌廢棄車、廢物誤觸理(含醫療廢棄物)及資源回收"
"id": "R-8",
"name": "有牌廢棄車"
"id": "CR-2",
"name": "文教、體育、資訊、觀光及媒體",
"icon": "/images/report/report-env.svg",
"service_requesting": [],
"problem_reporting": [
"id": "R-9",
"name": "文化事務(樹木保護、文化資產、表演藝術、文化場館、藝文推廣)"
"id": "R-1",
"name": "教育事務(校園、教師、幼兒園、圖書館、補教業)"
Data Field Description - All Reporting Items
Field | Purpose | Example |
all_report | All reporting items | Refer to all_report |
Field | Purpose | Example |
id | Reporting item category ID | CR-2 |
name | Reporting item category name | 文教、體育、資訊、觀光及媒體 |
icon | Icon URL for the reporting item category (if you want to host the icon locally, place it in the public folder) | /images/report/report-env.svg |
service_requesting | Reporting items that require immediate assistance | Refer to service_requesting |
problem_reporting | Reporting items for public grievances | The data format is the same as service_requesting , refer to service_requesting |
Field | Purpose | Example |
id | Reporting item ID | R-9 |
name | Reporting item name | 文化事務(樹木保護、文化資產、表演藝術、文化場館、藝文推廣) |
Progress inquiry detailed information; here you need to use the id
from the URL params to request the corresponding detailed information from the API. First, look at the expected data example.
"data": {
"status": "處理完成",
"reply": {
"from": {
"agency": "文化局",
"date": "2024/09/30 15:32:23"
"content": "AABBCCDDEEFFF"
"detail": {
"case_title": "主旨主旨主旨",
"case_id": "A10-1130930-00160",
"acceptance_time": "2024/09/28 15:55:57",
"category": "文教、體育、資訊、觀光及媒體-文化事務(樹木保護、文化資產、表演藝術、文化場館、藝文推廣)",
"agency": "文化局",
"expected_time": "2024/10/09",
"actual_time": "2024/09/30",
"content": "1234567890"
Data Field Description - Progress Inquiry Details
Field | Purpose | Example |
status | Processing status | 處理完成 |
reply | Response from the relevant unit | Refer to reply |
detail | Detailed content of the reporting item | Refer to detail |
Field | Purpose | Example |
from | Which unit the reply is from | Refer to from |
content | Content of the reply | AABBCCDDEEFFF |
Field | Purpose | Example |
agency | Replying unit | 文化局 |
date | Reply time | 2024/09/30 15:32:23 |
Field | Purpose | Example |
case_title | Reporting subject | 主旨主旨主旨 |
case_id | Reporting case number | A10-1130930-00160 |
acceptance_time | Acceptance time | 2024/09/28 15:55:57 |
category | Reporting case category | 文教、體育、資訊、觀光及媒體-文化事務(樹木保護、文化資產、表演藝術、文化場館、藝文推廣) |
agency | Responsible authority | 文化局 |
expected_time | Expected completion time | 2024/10/09 |
actual_time | Actual completion time | 2024/09/30 |
content | Specific content of the report | 1234567890 |