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Two-Way Connection on App

This page will introduce how the App in the TownPass open-source project engages in two-way Connection with TownPass.

Connection Mechanism

As mentioned on the Introduction page, TownPass connects with the App through the web-message-listeners provided by flutter_inappwebview.

Using the method provided by flutter_inappwebview, a WebMessageListener object is registered in the WebView as an object named flutterObject:

// lib/util/web_message_handler/cp_web_message_listener.dart

  jsObjectName: 'flutterObject',
  onPostMessage: (webMessage, sourceOrigin, isMainFrame, replyProxy) {
  • jsObjectName defines the name used to access this object on the WebView side.
  • onPostMessage defines the logic to handle messages received from the webpage.

Writing a Custom MessageHandler

The TownPass project has simplified most of the message-passing work.

  1. In lib/util/web_message_handler/cp_web_message_handler.dart, add a new handler that extends CPWebMessageHandler and implement it:
// lib/util/web_message_handler/cp_web_message_handler.dart

abstract class CPWebMessageHandler {
  String get name;

  Future<void> handle({
    required String? message,
    required WebUri? sourceOrigin,
    required bool isMainFrame,
    required Function(WebMessage replyWebMessage)? onReply,

  WebMessage replyWebMessage({required Object data}) {
    return CPWebStringMessageReply(
      name: name,
      data: data,
  • name :Defines the handler name, corresponding to the name mentioned in Two-Way Connection on Website - Usage Design in the Project.
  • handle :Defines how to process the received information. Among them:
    • message corresponds to the data structure in Two-Way Connection on Website - Usage Design in the Project, which is the actual information that the WebView intends to send to the App.
    • onReply is the method to reply to the webpage, and you can use replyWebMessage() to construct the reply message.

      ⚠️ Note

      The data parameter of replyWebMessage() must be a class or object that can produce a JSON string (number, boolean, string, null, list, map, or an object that implements toJson()).

  1. Add the new handler to the messageHandler list in lib/util/web_message_handler/cp_web_message_listener.dart:
// lib/util/web_message_handler/cp_web_message_listener.dart

static List<CPWebMessageHandler> get messageHandler => [
  // add it here

You can refer to the existing handlers and their implementations in the following file:

  • lib/util/web_message_handler/cp_web_message_handler.dart