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Hot Spots


The hot spots list displays all venues, regardless of whether tickets are currently available for purchase. All venues will be shown in the list.

Hot Spots List


The hot spot detail page provides detailed information about the venue. If tickets are available for purchase at the venue, a purchase link will be provided for users to quickly access.

Hot Spot Detail

Hot Spots - hot_spot_list

Define all hot spots in the hot_spot_list, which includes detailed information about the venues to be used on the detail page. A complete example is as follows:

  "data": {
    "hot_spot_list": [
        "id": "t-1",
        "name": "Taipei Fine Arts Museum",
        "introduce": "The Taipei Fine Arts Museum was established in 1983 in response to the burgeoning modern art movement, making it Taiwan's first public art museum.",
        "business_hours": ["Closed on Mondays", "Tuesday to Sunday 9:30-17:30 (free admission after 17:00)"],
        "address": {
          "text": "No. 181, Section 3, Zhongshan North Road, Yuanshan Village, Zhongshan District, Taipei City",
          "map": ""
        "is_sell_ticket": true,
        "img_url": ""
        "id": "h-1",
        "name": "Taipei Water Park",
        "introduce": "Located beside the Xindian River and Siyuan Street, the Taipei Water Source Pumping Room, the main building was completed in 1908 and has nearly a hundred years of history.",
        "business_hours": ["Tuesday to Sunday (non-summer) 9:00-17:00, extended to 18:00 during summer"],
        "address": {
          "text": "No. 1, Siyuan Street, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City",
          "map": ""
        "is_sell_ticket": false,
        "img_url": ""
        "id": "t-2",
        "name": "Taipei Zoo",
        "introduce": "Located at the terminus of the MRT Wenhu Line, Taipei Zoo is an institution combining nature conservation, research, education, and recreation. It received environmental education facility certification in April 2012.",
        "business_hours": ["Ticket sales: 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM.", "Usage time: From 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM on the day of purchase."],
        "address": {
          "text": "No. 30, Section 2, Xinguang Road, Wenshan District, Taipei City",
          "map": ""
        "is_sell_ticket": true,
        "img_url": ""
idVenue ID, should correspond to the ID defined in the ticket_listt-1
nameVenue NameTaipei Fine Arts Museum
introduceVenue IntroductionThe Taipei Fine Arts Museum was established in 1983 in response to the burgeoning modern art movement, making it Taiwan's first public art museum.
business_hoursVenue Business Hours, structured as an array for segmented hours, e.g., ["First Segment", "Second Segment"]["Closed on Mondays", "Tuesday to Sunday 9:30-17:30 (free admission after 17:00)"]
addressVenue AddressRefer to Hot Spots - address
is_sell_ticketAre Tickets Available for Purchasetrue
img_urlVenue ImageImage URL

Hot Spots - address

textAddress TextNo. 181, Section 3, Zhongshan North Road, Yuanshan Village, Zhongshan District, Taipei City
mapAddress Google Map Link

Google Map links can be found using the share function