Introduction to Find Location
About Find Location
The Find Location feature aims to provide users with convenient location search services, enabling them to easily find desired places and obtain relevant information.
ℹ️ Information
Find Location is a web development project, different from the main City Pass project, which is built with Flutter. City Pass embeds this feature into the app via webview, requiring an additional clone of the related project.
Design Purpose
The purpose of this feature is to:
- Allow creative developers to add suitable services and relevant information to the Find Location feature through simple JSON design.
- Design an easy-to-use location search function by integrating information, making location details more intuitive and convenient, enhancing user experience.
The ultimate goal is to make Find Location more comprehensive, diverse, and convenient, providing better public services.
Main Functions
The Find Location feature primarily displays locations on a map. Users can add locations to be displayed and customize the status and information shown for each location as needed. This helps users find desired places and obtain relevant information more conveniently.